Kathy Rock recently retired from the Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF), after thirty plus years in finance and community development. Ms. Rock has extensive experience in finance and risk management in the financial services industry, both domestic and international, including public, private and not-for-profit entities.
Most recently, Ms. Rock was the Chief Financial & Administrative Officer for LIIF, responsible for all financial activities (including capital raising), human resources, and information technology. Prior to joining LIIF as a member of the executive team, she served as a Board member and Chair of the Audit Committee. She has also served as Chief Financial & Risk Officer for the Calvert Impact Investments, and was head of Counterparty Risk Management for Freddie Mac, a position that she also held at Fannie Mae. While based in London with Genworth Financial Services, she served as Chief Financial Officer for Europe and Canada, and Senior Vice President for Loss Mitigation for the European Mortgage Insurance portfolio. She also served as Controller for the Federal Housing Administration, where she led a multi-billion dollar troubled asset sales program. She started her career with GE Capital in the financial management program, and held a number of positions of increasing responsibility in financial management. Ms. Rock is currently a Board member for Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) an affordable housing developer based in San Francisco.
Ms. Rock holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Maryland.