It thrills Robert Gors to watch budding birders discover the natural world in their own backyards. He and his wife transformed their passion for wild birds into a Wild Birds Unlimited franchise in Macomb, Mich.
When COVID-19 hit, the Gors were forced to pivot their business from a retail storefront, then to a curbside pickup model, and finally to a home delivery-only system based on state guidance. This caused a disruption in revenue and cuts in work hours for the store’s four employees.
After getting a referral to CRF through Boefly and other Wild Birds Unlimited franchise owners, the Gors submitted their PPP application and quickly received their loan. Soon, employees were back at work fulfilling an uptick in sales; quarantined people had discovered the joys of backyard birding and sought advice and supplies.
With a PPP loan to pay employees and cover overhead expenses, Bird Brains LLC has begun the journey back to profitability, seeing increased business from online ordering. As a result, Gors is looking forward to serving his existing customers and inspiring more Michigander birders.