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The Challenge

The current economic system, perpetuated by institutional racism and disparities, is unjust. It fosters inequities that are causing widening disparities in incomes, wealth, and opportunity gaps. These inequities minimize economic mobility.
Women shopping for clothes

We Believe

Small businesses are the backbone of the economy. When small businesses have access to capital and resources, it empowers people to improve their lives and strengthen their communities.

Progeny Coffee

Empowering People

Small businesses will provide living wage jobs that result in increased incomes and improve mobility to people from backgrounds historically underrepresented.

Adventure Out

Building Sustainable Communities

Small businesses located in communities with a history of underinvestment will create economic opportunities that build wealth.

Ariel Rodriguez

Closing the Racial Wealth Gap

BIPOC owned businesses will help create assets and intergenerational wealth that will contribute to closing the racial wealth gap.

How We Contribute

Co-create and deploy innovative financial products and services that address the barriers and inequities small businesses operated by historically excluded people face

Design and manage financial programs that attract incremental impact capital to communities with a history of underinvestment

Orchestrate a network of trusted small business support organizations enabled by technology

Grow the capacity of community development finance organizations

Help small businesses navigate the complexities of the small business support ecosystem


  • Improved financial health among low-income households
  • Increased number of small businesses connected to support resources
  • Increased individual, community, and intergenerational wealth
  • Elevated access to capital and the resources needed by small businesses operated by historically underrepresented people


friends walking together outside

Vibrant Communities

Business colleagues working together on a laptop

Income & Opportunity Gaps Narrowed